Psychologist on Treating Burnout: Transforming the Victim into the Manager of Their Own Life

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Although the youngest workers of Generation Z consider addressing mental health issues completely normal and natural, older generations may still perceive them as a stigma of failure or weakness. We discussed this increasingly relevant topic with psychologist Silvia Csopotiová.

What will you learn in this interview?

  • Practical tips for reducing anxiety
  • When it’s the right time to seek psychological help
  • Common and hidden signs of burnout syndrome
  • Recommended burnout prevention strategies to maintain healthy energy and productivity
  • How a psychologist works with someone suffering from workplace burnout
  • How to help yourself if you feel burned out

What are the most common problems related to high workload that you encounter in your practice?

Very often, patients present issues that don’t initially appear to be psychological. However, it’s essential to first clinically rule out any physical conditions to ensure the body is functioning correctly. This means ruling out inflammation or serious illnesses. If such physical conditions are not confirmed, general practitioners usually refer the patient to us. Some clients are aware of the psychological roots of their difficulties and come to us voluntarily, seeking to manage work stress, workload, or improve work-life balance.

What happens when such a patient comes to you? It’s not always easy to accept that physical issues may be rooted in the psyche.

Exactly, and that’s why we work from the very beginning to help patients understand that their physical problems may have psychological origins. Simply put, it’s normal for people to experience somatic symptoms under the influence of daily stress, increasing responsibilities, or dissatisfaction with their salary. This is especially true when there’s a disconnect between the work performed and its subjective evaluation or recognition by the company they work for. Tensions and pressures from frustrating circumstances or chronic stress can also weaken the immune system, overall physical health, and personal energy levels.

What is burnout syndrome?

Burnout syndrome is a state of physical and mental exhaustion often linked to long-term stress and overload, particularly in the workplace. It arises when individuals face high demands, pressures, and responsibilities over time without adequate recovery or support.

While typically associated with work, burnout can also affect parents on maternity or paternity leave, who face constant demands in caring for children and household tasks without sufficient rest.

Typical symptoms include:


  • Persistent fatigue that doesn’t subside even with rest
  • Loss of motivation and joy in everyday activities
  • A cynical attitude toward responsibilities and surroundings
  • Decline in productivity, focus, or a sense of failure

If you suspect you might be experiencing burnout, online tests developed by psychologists, such as those provided by Hedepy, can offer valuable insights.

For example?

Many changes can be observed by clients themselves. Initial signs often include excessive physical fatigue, even during tasks that were previously manageable, or mental exhaustion and reluctance to perform work-related duties.

Physical symptoms of burnout may include headaches, a stiff neck, or cardiovascular tension. Others may experience stomach pain, morning nausea, or diarrhea. Every individual is different, and our bodies react to stress in unique ways. Anxiety is often a manifestation of persistent stress, especially if one faces failures at work, criticism, or difficulties in challenging tasks without proper guidance from a superior.

Interesting facts:

  • Every sixth person in EU countries suffers from some form of mental illness.
  • More than 30% of employees in the so-called “new EU member states” suffer from workplace stress.
  • Millennials (currently 35% of the workforce) consider it essential for employers to support work-life balance.

Source: Nadácia Pontis

If we overdo physical exertion, our body usually lets us know. Can these manifestations also be seen as warning signals sent by our mind?

Certainly. Whether it’s somatic symptoms or anxiety, our body is saying “enough.” It’s a signal that we need to step back and focus on ourselves. That’s why we work with patients to establish principles of a healthy lifestyle, adjust their daily routines, and practice relaxation techniques.

To promote positive experiences, we work on modifying the person’s life to include activities they enjoy and that fulfill them. In many cases, we encounter maladaptive strategies—put simply, attempts to cope with negative circumstances through inappropriate means. For instance, people might share medication in good faith, which may not be the best option for the individual. Negative feelings are also sometimes suppressed through excessive alcohol consumption or other psychoactive substances. None of these strategies resolve the issue; they only deepen it or create new problems.

Can stress from a high workload lead to depression?

Yes, if someone is genuinely frustrated by their work situation or conditions. They might function in a routine that doesn’t provide stability but instead becomes a source of frustration. They feel that nothing in their life is changing and lack any positive experiences. Such a person may stop seeing meaning in their work or life as a whole.

When it comes to work, burnout syndrome often affects managers. Why does it primarily strike highly motivated individuals?

Burnout, as the term suggests, implies that a flame must first be lit to later be extinguished. This is the simplest explanation. When we give a lot to something, we can naturally lose a lot as well.

So are employees who just “clock in” their 8 hours a day and do nothing more less at risk of burnout?

It’s challenging to generalize. We can’t define a prototype of someone prone to burnout. However, research indicates a higher risk among individuals who hold themselves to high standards, try to handle everything independently, and take on the responsibilities and tasks of others. They invest most of their energy into work, neglecting their personal lives. Simply put, those fully devoted to their jobs are more vulnerable.

The more resources we have to handle challenges, the easier it is to overcome them. In this context, resources include personality traits, mental resilience, social support, and hobbies.

Can we identify a personality trait that serves as the key to avoiding burnout?

There are protective factors that shield us from adverse environmental influences. However, we often forget our own needs amidst daily responsibilities, only paying attention when we start feeling unwell. That’s why it’s essential to monitor oneself honestly. Each of us is responsible for our own life and well-being. It’s not wise to rely on someone else to notice something’s wrong and prompt us to seek help. Just as we’re attuned to our loved ones, we must be sensitive to our feelings and thoughts—and changes in our bodies. People experiencing burnout often struggle with insomnia, irritability, and difficulties in daily functioning.

Dealing with insomnia isn’t simple, especially without medication.

We live in an age of technology; there are various apps that use sensors in smartwatches to measure sleep quality. These data can help set an optimal sleep routine for feeling more refreshed during the day. Even without such technology, keeping a sleep diary can help evaluate what bedtime leads to feeling well-rested.

Good sleep is a significant aid in addressing problems related to work stress. For optimal alertness, we need quality sleep. Sleep is a universal healer with many benefits, essential for the optimal functioning of the human body and mind. I recommend the book Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, which has personally helped me better understand the importance of sleep and improve its quality. It offers many practical tips and explanations for everyday sleep routines.

What if I can’t fall asleep at all?

Parents of young children might intuitively know the answer: sleep rituals. Such routines are equally effective for adults. This means establishing a nightly regimen leading up to sleep. By consistently performing certain steps, the body learns that it’s time to sleep. Don’t enjoy reading? Great—if it bores you, the more you read, the more tired you’ll become.

Just as important as establishing good habits is learning what not to do. For instance, scrolling through social media in bed is a common yet counterproductive ritual before sleep, for various physiological and psychological reasons. Think back to what helped you fall asleep as a child. For me, it was story tapes. Today, I enjoy audiobooks, but I also don’t mind revisiting a childhood fairy tale. It not only helps reduce stress from the day but also evokes pleasant memories stored in my emotional memory.

Can someone with burnout help themselves by changing their lifestyle?

If someone is already showing clear signs of burnout, postponing a visit to a psychologist is unwise. There’s no shame in seeking help, and we can truly assist people who open up to us. Burnout doesn’t appear overnight; it develops gradually through several stages.

Burnout stages:

Burnout syndrome typically develops gradually in the following phases:

1. Enthusiasm phase – High work engagement, ambition, and determination dominate. People tend to work long hours, neglecting personal needs like rest or social interaction.

2. Stagnation phase
– Gradual realization that their efforts aren’t yielding expected results leads to disappointment and a loss of motivation. Energy wanes, but demands remain high.

3. Frustration phase
– Disappointment turns into frustration and cynicism. People often begin doubting the purpose of their work. Emotional fluctuations and greater isolation arise.

4. Apathy phase
– Emotional exhaustion and apathy set in. The individual feels disconnected, loses interest in work and other areas of life, and experiences burnout symptoms, sometimes accompanied by physical health issues.

5. Collapse phase
– Unaddressed burnout can culminate in a mental or physical breakdown, requiring professional intervention.

What warning signs suggest burnout is approaching?

It depends on assessing how your life was before and what has changed. For instance, repeatedly oversleeping for work, despite always being punctual, could be an early sign. More advanced signs include resignation, loss of joy in work, or life. Resignation leads to burnout—a state where motivation and willpower diminish, not only in work but also in relationships and daily life.

Visiting a psychologist is still often stigmatized, though this is improving. How does a psychologist work with someone experiencing work-related mental health issues?

Every client is unique, and the approach varies depending on their acceptance of their problem and their willingness to collaborate. The key is creating a safe, trusting space where clients feel comfortable sharing their experiences. The therapist acts as a guide, but the client holds the power to enact change. Active participation and readiness to work on themselves are crucial starting points for resolving issues.

How to recover from burnout:

Acknowledging the need for help is the first step, whether from a therapist, doctor, or coach. Medication can alleviate anxiety or depression linked to burnout, but the primary path to recovery involves lifestyle changes and rest.

If necessary, taking medical leave provides time to regenerate. Burnout’s effects, such as fatigue, insomnia, and emotional distress, can linger long-term, so early action is vital.

Prevention is key—listen to your body, recognize warning signs, and prioritize rest. Balance between work and personal life is crucial to avoiding burnout altogether.

So, before visiting a psychologist, we should forget that there is a quick cure for our problem that we can pick up at the pharmacy on the way.

In well-motivated clients who have understood all this and accepted the fact that their burnout is of psychogenic origin, we will see the first results relatively soon. The most important thing is to realize that any psychological problems are not a sign of weakness. There is no such thing as a weak person, there are only challenging life circumstances. Therefore, the basis for the success of burnout therapy is to get the client from the passive position of a victim to the role of an active manager of their own life and all changes on the path to mental balance.

Tips for reducing anxiety from psychologist Silvia Csopotiová:

  • Find a quieter and darker place where your perception will not be irritated by various strong stimuli, such as a noisy environment, a large movement of people or strong light. Such a safe place should provide you with the opportunity to relax for 5 minutes. It is great if the whole team agrees on this and its members respect each other. If management allows it, it is also a good idea to visually decorate such a space as a “relaxation zone” – for example, with green plants, pleasant colors, comfortable seating, etc.
  • Square breathing – observe precisely defined intervals that are even between inhalation and exhalation. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for another 4 seconds. Exhale for 4 seconds and hold your breath for 4 seconds before inhaling again. For people who have reduced lung capacity or simply find 4 seconds to be a long time, a shorter 3-second interval may be advantageous. When breathing this way, close your eyes and imagine the cycle of air moving through your body.
  • Psychological tension is also reflected in the muscles and is bilateral, which means that by relaxing the muscles we can also help our psyche. Try to relax your entire body, moving from your feet to your back, arms, and head. It is important to relax your facial muscles, facial expressions are an everyday part of our lives. If possible, close your eyes. If there is no other option, focus on one point, look at it, the brain will get used to it after a while and is not burdened by processing this stimulus.
  • When you are very anxious, try exercises focused on presence and mindfulness. For example, write down three things you see, three things you hear, and three things you feel. Or list seven blue objects in the room and describe them. Sometimes the stress stimulus is the body itself, a rapid heartbeat, or twitching limbs. By keeping your mind busy and focusing on the things around you, you redirect your attention from the stress stimulus to something that is neutral and does not cause an emotional reaction in you.

Relaxation exercises

The article was created in collaboration with Praemium – Permansio s.r.o., a day mental health center in Košice, which provides comprehensive psychological counseling. The center deals with the prevention and therapy of mental disorders, including burnout and coping with workload. The center offers psychological counseling, relaxation technique training, art therapy sessions and psychodiagnostics of possible psychological problems, all covered by health insurance. You can find them on Facebook under the name Facilitas. You can also contact them via email at