The Best HR Platform. Is It Really the Custom-made One?


Maybe you fit into that group too. Your company is tired of searching for the perfect HRIS. You feel that the offered ones have features you don’t really need. At the same time, they lack the customizations that are specific to you and you desperately need them. And the price ā€“ why should you pay (usually monthly) for a software that lags behind your company needs and doesn’t satisfy your needs?

After you’ve tried two or three suppliers and find out that you can still do many things only in Excel, you’ll make a decision. Take advantage of your ā€œIT expertsā€ or get external consultants and program the ideal system yourselves. Nowadays it doesn’t mean an investment running into million. It’s often just tens of thousands of crowns to someone who doesn’t have to be a programmer. You can choose one of the low-code platforms that specialise in cases similar to yours.

Low-code programming can be explained simply. It’s based on the assumption that nowadays it’s no longer necessary to learn programming languages from scratch. Every program can be put together like a building block from pre-made pieces. It makes it easy to create your application in a visually clear environment and by using drag-and-drop tool.

Why is low-code a good idea? When can it catch you off-guard?

If your company is looking for the ideal HRIS software, the custom-made low-code should be included in the list of alternatives you’d like to check. Especially for mid-sized companies, this may indeed be the way that makes sense. Then again, it’s crucial to admit quite openly the risks involved in this choice.

On one hand, there are obvious advantages: freedom in planning the app, the possibility of flexible modifications, full control over its design. To some extent, maybe even the price. If you can cover the development for example with internal resources. However, it’s ā€“ as we’ll demonstrate ā€“ questionable.

On the other hand, there are the maintenance and development concerns and often overlooked fees for using the low-code platforms that can change according to the terms and conditions. The indisputable fact against the low-code application is that you’ll probably be developing 90% of what ready-made HRIS will offer. Just to add 10% of the unique features.

You can run up against similar problems to troubles with HRIS that companies try fix for example in Excel or Notion-type editorial systems. The initial documentation, you start the development with, will be incomplete and ā€œadd something or get something betterā€ will become a programme for months and maybe even years.

Let’s compare the low-code custom-made HRIS to the Czech leader, the all-in-one HRIS Sloneek platform.

Basic comparison ā€“ basic requirements for HRIS system

Ā  Custom-made low-code Sloneek
It‘s free šŸš« šŸš«
Created specifically for HR āœ… āœ…
Running in cloud- access from anywhere āœ… āœ…
Simple mobile app for employees and admins šŸŸ” āœ…
Automatic update on hot news šŸš« āœ…
Advanced paid functions āœ… āœ…
Professional setting-up required āœ… šŸš«


Does it make sense to invest time in your own platform?

As mentioned above, the companies start creating their own HRIS after they don’t find a suitable platform on the market. They often want to fill the gap between the existing systems and their processes. Another reason may be the attempt to avoid paid solutions. Then, it can also be the desire to hold your nerve and the need to learn the system that cannot work the way the company is used to.

So, what about the low-code in comparison with Sloneek? Do you really hold your nerve?

Ā  Custom-made low-code Sloneek
Instead of HR agenda, HR system is debugged in the app that isn’t designed for it šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š
After weeks of work, it‘s necessary to start again šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š
I run into problems I can‘t solve šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š
I‘m the only person who knows how it works, and I’m responsible for many things (and also the colleagues who work on it) šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š
If something doesn‘t work, it’s up to me šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š
Management regards it as my extra voluntary initiative and not as aĀ part of my job šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š

Induction checklist

Basic requirements comparison

Of course, there are the companies where setting their own platform is a positive part of the overall plan. So, let’s be objective and look at how both options handle the demands placed on them by HR, management and employees.

Keep in mind an important remark ā€“ with low-code, it’s true, make of it what you will.

Easy to use

HRIS must be simple and intuitive. It’s important to explain the basic functions and logic of the system only in a few dozen minutes.

Ā  Custom-made low-code Sloneek
Basics explained during one meeting āœ…šŸŸ” āœ…
If employee can‘t handle it, support will help them šŸš« āœ…
Intuitive at first sight āœ… šŸŸ” āœ…
Possible to use without any training ā“ āœ…

Data security

HRIS usually stores the most sensitive information about the employees, including personal information, salary information and employment records. That’s why GDPR representatives consider it to be one of the key areas necessary to protect from incidents.

The system must be able to manage access levels effectively, e.g. only authorised persons will have access to sensitive data. Moreover, it must be able to protect data from careless handling including accidental sharing of information or deliberate security breach.

Advanced HRIS functions also include the implementation of data encryption, regular audits and access monitoring. It helps not only in preventing potential data exposure, but also in fast identification and fixing any security incidents.

What about low-code platforms?

Ā  Custom-made low-code Sloneek
GDPR compliant in base šŸš« āœ…
Login security āœ…šŸŸ” āœ…
Managing data access rights ā“ āœ…
Difficulty in copying data ā“ āœ…
Easy audit ā“ āœ…

Information sharing and linking

How is data protected from an unauthorised access? Is there any possibility to work with different user accounts and to display only the information with user access rights?

Ā  Custom-made low-code Sloneek
Everyone can access the files based on their access rights āœ… āœ…
Information can be easily sorted by access rights āœ… āœ…
Employees can see and change the data that belong to them āœ… āœ…
Information can be used within the whole platform āœ… āœ…

Data duplication

In addition to basic functions of data and access rights management, it’s important that the platform supports a robust API that allows it to communicate with other systems and applications. This is crucial for integrating and automating of the processes across the various tools used in the company. Thanks to API, the data can be automatically synchronised between HRIS and other systems such as financial software, project management systems or data analysis tools. The integration not only increases efficiency but also ensures that the data is consistent and up-to-date within all systems.

Ā  Custom-made low-code Sloneek
Data strictly in one place-no multiple versions āœ… āœ…
Data always available anywhere āœ… āœ…
Data cannot be simply rewritten or copied āœ… āœ…
Data can be linked to other applications ā“ āœ…


Price is quite often a key parameter for choosing a solution. Moreover, with the low-code, the company often assumes to save money in comparison with other solutions. But is it really true?

Ā  Custom-made low-code Sloneek
Required to pay every month āœ… āœ…
Payment for real users in a given month āœ… āœ…
Paying for development over time at the expense of other things āœ… šŸš«
I know in advance how much it will cost to develop the system in a year šŸš« āœ…
Implementing innovations costs extra money āœ… šŸš«

Comparison based on HRIS platform essential requirements

What about the main feature of the platform? Can the low-code HRIS meet all the demands that HR department will place on it?

It’s true once again ā€“ make of it what you will. So, it always depends on whether you’ve included the function in the initial technical documentation.

Ā  Custom-made low-code Sloneek
Complete employee data management linked across the system āœ…




Calculation of accumulated leave āœ… šŸŸ” āœ…
Request for leave āœ… šŸŸ” āœ…
Up-to-date data relevant to salaries āœ… šŸŸ” āœ…
Electronic signature of documents ā“
Depends on low-code platform module
Questionnaire survey ā“
Depends on low-code platform module
Contracts and certificates ā“
Depends on low-code platform module
Timetracking ā“
Depends on low-code platform module
Connection to other applications via API āœ… šŸŸ” āœ…
Recruitment āœ… šŸŸ” āœ…
Onboarding and offboarding āœ… šŸŸ” āœ…

Advanced functions

How do low-code platforms cope with specialised tasks?

Ā  Custom-made low-code Sloneek
Automatically driven competency models šŸš« āœ…
Automation ā“
Depends on low-code platform module
Delegation of simple tasks to team leaders or employees āœ… šŸŸ” āœ…
Basic data visualisation ā“
Depends on low-code platform module
Running analysis and graphs in one place ā“
Depends on low-code platform module
AI involvement ā“
Depends on low-code platform module


Creating HRIS platform using the low-code tools can be attractive because of flexibility and ability to customise it to the specific needs of an organisation. This approach allows companies to design and implement the solution that perfectly matches their processes and requirements.

However, the success of such a project depends on the skills of a coder and HR manager who must be able to ā€œsee around cornersā€ ā€“ that is, anticipate future needs and potential problems. This is a key ability to create an effective and sustainable system. And let’s face it ā€“ a chance of such a setup being found in the company is rather lower than higher.

The costs of developing the custom-made low-code HRIS platform are usually far higher than for SaaS tools. It’s due to the time and effort required to develop and implement and also the costs of maintaining and updating the system. It’s important to keep in mind that the license to use the low-code platform is tens or even hundreds of thousands per year, depending on the company size. Vendor lock-in, i.e. dependence on a supplier, who can raise your fee by leaps and bounds anytime, is high in this case.

Another disadvantage may be the dependence on internal or external developers for any modifications or fixes and it could be time consuming and expensive. However, the company can save something at this point if it draws on its own resources.

The verdict is clear then ā€“ if your company is really specific and you can afford to pay extra for the custom-made solution, go for it. Still, before you do that, try Sloneek to be sure you’ve made the right decision.

Ā  Custom-made low-code Sloneek
Long-term solution reliability ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Ability to grow with the company ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Ability to add new functions ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Universality for the entire company ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Compatibility with other tools ā­ā­ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Handover limit ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Solution security ā­ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Time-consuming to manage ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Total cost including time cost and monthly license rental ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­