Everything You Need to Know About Leave Passes According to the Labor Code

Zákoník práce, propustka.

Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned—illness, family matters, or unexpected events can temporarily pull us away from work. This is where workplace absences and leave passes, as outlined in the Labor Code, come into play. While it might sound like unnecessary bureaucracy, these tools are designed to make life easier for everyone. How does it all work? When and how can an employee take leave, and what’s required to do so?

This article applies only to the Czech Republic.

The Labor Code and Medical Leave Passes

As a general rule, employees should aim to visit their doctor outside of working hours. However, we all know that’s not always feasible. Visiting a doctor during work hours is considered a legitimate workplace absence under the Labor Code. In such cases, the employer is obligated to grant the employee time off and compensate them with full wages.

There are, however, certain conditions to fulfill for the leave pass to ensure both time off and wage compensation. The healthcare provider you visit must:

  • Have a contract with your health insurance provider,
  • Be located as close as possible to your home or workplace,
  • Provide the necessary medical care.

If you visit a different healthcare provider, wage compensation only applies for the time it would take to visit the closest suitable facility.

How Long is a Leave Pass Valid?

An employee can only use work hours for a medical visit if it’s not possible to schedule it otherwise, and only for the time strictly necessary. But what qualifies as “strictly necessary”? The law doesn’t specify. Generally, this includes the time spent on the examination or treatment, time in the waiting room, and travel to and from the healthcare facility. In other words, the duration is case-specific and depends on the situation.

Can you use a medical leave pass for the entire day? Yes, if the medical visit genuinely requires it—such as for more complex examinations or treatments that take longer.

What Does a Leave Pass Look Like?

The Labor Code doesn’t define the exact format for documenting medical visits, so companies establish their own rules. In smaller companies where trust prevails, simply notifying your manager in advance or marking it in a shared calendar may suffice. In most organizations, however, employees must prove their absence using a leave pass verified by the doctor.

Escort to the doctor.

Leave pass forms are usually available at HR departments or downloadable from internal systems. Alternatively, you can request one directly from your doctor. The pass typically includes basic details like your name, date, time, and location of the medical visit, and needs to be stamped and signed by the doctor. The completed leave pass is then submitted to your manager or HR department as proof of your time spent at the doctor’s office.

What if You Need a Leave Pass Retroactively?

We’ve all forgotten to request a leave pass at some point. If that happens, don’t panic. Since employees are legally required to document workplace absences, doctors can issue a leave pass retroactively based on their records. Be aware that this service might incur a fee. If needed, your health insurance provider also logs every doctor’s visit, which can serve as additional evidence.

How is a Leave Pass Paid?

Visiting a doctor during work hours is classified as an excusable absence. Provided the above conditions are met, the employer must grant leave and pay compensation at the employee’s average wage. In short: it’s treated as if you were at work.

Accompanying a Family Member to the Doctor

Employees are entitled to time off—up to one day—for accompanying a family member to the doctor when necessary. This can include emergencies or planned medical appointments. If you’re accompanying a spouse, partner, child, parent, or in-law, wage compensation is provided in full. For other relatives, leave may be unpaid unless deemed essential by a doctor.

A little tip – if possible, plan your doctor’s visits outside of working hours so that it doesn’t affect your work schedule!

Other Situations for Leave Passes

Blood or Plasma Donation

Employees donating blood or plasma are entitled to paid leave for the time required, including travel and recovery, which is typically 24 hours. Employers cannot restrict or deny such leave.


Getting married on a workday grants two days of leave: one for the ceremony and one for preparations. If the wedding is on a weekend or holiday, only one day is granted for preparations. Parents of the bride or groom are also entitled to paid leave for the event.

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If a spouse, partner, or child passes away, employees can take up to three days of paid leave (two for arrangements and one for the funeral). For other close relatives, such as parents or siblings, one day is granted. If additional time is needed for arrangements, a second day may be allowed.

Simplifying Leave Management with Sloneek

Dealing with leave passes can be tedious, but that’s where our HR application Sloneek, comes in handy. Simply log your request into the attendance system, and it will automatically appear in the shared calendar. For medical visits, just upload the doctor’s confirmation with a few clicks. Easy and efficient!