Excel, Google Sheets or Sloneek? What is the best for your HR?

Excel versus HR systƩm

Was one of your New Year’s resolutions to finally set up a system in your HR agenda? Definitely a good idea! But what to do with all the data you need to store and use easily at the same time?

Your choice- like 95% of your colleagues would do- will probably be the most affordable solution: Excel or Google Sheets. That is, a spreadsheet that may seem to be good idea at first sight.Ā 

Let’s see how they actually hold against a dedicated HRIS such as Sloneek.Ā 

Why do HR people like Excel and other types of spreadsheets so much?

At first, a question. Why do HR people like Excel and similar tools so much? The answer isn’t surprising- they know it, just like the management of their companies or their employees. It’s installed on the vast majority of the computers. It is- at least at first glance- free. And the data can be easily sent or processed on your computer at home, for example if you need to catch up on something.

Moreover, the fact that most people know how to use it makes it possible to start working with it right away and saves a lot of time. But there’s the question- really?

Why does it seem to be easy at first sight?

Excel / Google Sheets Sloneek
Already on my computer āœ… šŸš«
No need to consult it/ raise money for it āœ… šŸš«
Colleagues and management can use it āœ… šŸš«


Why is reality different in the end?

Excel / Google Sheets Sloneek
I spend time creating my own system and testing it šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š
There are mistakes I have to deal with šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š
I hit the limits I didn‘t count on at first šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š
I‘m in charge of know-how on the system and have to explain it to my colleagues šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š
Anyone who interferes with the system, can cause it to stop working šŸ˜“ šŸ˜Š


Basic requirements comparison

Many companies just shrug potential risks off and start using their HR system built on sophisticated spreadsheets in practice. However, will it meet the basic requirements of HRIS?Ā 

Easy to use

Above all, HRIS must be simple. Simple enough that even untrained employee can work with it if necessary. Let’s compare Excel, Google Sheets and Sloneek.Ā 

Excel / Google Sheets Sloneek
The basics can be explained to colleagues during one meeting āœ… āœ…
If I don‘t know how to do it, I can ask anytime šŸš« āœ…
Intuitive at first sight ā“ āœ…
Possible to use it without training ā“ āœ…


Data security

HRIS usually stores the most sensitive information about your people. That’s why GDPR representatives consider it to be one of the most important places where security incidents may occur. How do Excel, Google Sheets and Sloneek face them?

Excel / Google Sheets Sloneek
GDPR compliant at the core šŸš« āœ…
Login security šŸš« āœ…
Management of access rights to data šŸš« āœ…
Difficulty in copying data šŸš« āœ…
Easy audit šŸš« āœ…

All data in one place

A setback for effectivity? Data in different places and in different versions or dates. If the HR department wants to get rid of the circles under their eyes, they need to keep strictly just one up-to-date database that the entire company works with. How does Excel, Google Sheets and Sloneek handle this?

Excel / Google Sheets Sloneek
Data strictly in one place- no multiple versions šŸš« āœ…
Data always available anywhere šŸš« āœ…
Data cannot be simply rewritten or copiedĀ  šŸš« āœ…


Sharing information

What is the most common reason for HR department overwork? That they have exclusive access to some information even though the others could normally work with them. They have to answer trivial questions and send simple information to dozens of people monthly. How can Excel, Google Sheets and Sloneek help with this?

Excel / Google Sheets Sloneek
Everyone can access the files based on his access rights āœ… āœ…
Information can be easily sorted by access rights šŸš« āœ…
Employees can see and change the data that belong to them šŸš« āœ…



How much is it? Price is of course a key parameter. The irony is that the system is often chosen based on it. How about the costs of the system in Excel, Google Sheets and Sloneek?

Excel / Google Sheets Sloneek
Payments over and above the salary of HR staff šŸš« āœ…
Payment for real users in a given month šŸš« āœ…
Paying for development over time at the expense of other things āœ… šŸš«
I know in advance how much it will cost to develop the system in a year šŸš« āœ…

Basic requirements comparison

It’s absolutely crucial that the chosen HR system can’t fail in the main thing- the ability to work with data efficiently and without time loss. If it’s meant to be a real help, it must do much more than just store information about personal data of employees, their salaries or leave entitlement.Ā 

Let’s take a look at how Excel or Google Sheets handle specialized tasks and how Sloneek handles them.Ā 

Excel / Google Sheets Sloneek
Accumulated leave āœ…

Information about drawing must be regularly recorded by the system administrator


Information is automatically rewritten based on approved requests

Request for leave šŸš«
It can store leave information but it often has to be entered directly by HR person

It allows you to check in a leave request and work with it across the system. It’s visible to everyone for whom it’s relevant.

Up-to-date data relevant to salaries āœ…

Information must be updated regularly by the system administrator


Information can be updated directly by the user

Electronic signature of documents šŸš« āœ…
Questionnaire survey šŸŸ”

Partially solvable using Forms


Possible to implement directly in the system

Contracts and certificatesĀ  šŸš« āœ…

Possible to save directly in the system

Timetracking šŸš« āœ…

Possible to use directly in the system

Connection to other applications via API šŸš« āœ…

Possible to use guaranteed directly in the system

Recruitment šŸŸ”

Partially solvable


Possible to use specific detailed functions in the system

Onboarding and offboarding šŸŸ”

Partially solvable but mostly as a tool for HR


Possible to use specific detailed functions in the system with employee involvement


Advanced functions

The HR professional’s agenda is already quite busy. It makes sense that tools that can streamline and automate his work are really appreciated in this field. How does Excel or Google Sheets help in this regard and how does Sloneek?

Excel / Google Sheets Sloneek
Automation šŸŸ”


Delegation of simple tasks to teamleaders or employees šŸš« āœ…
Basic data visualisation āœ… āœ…
Running analysis and graphs in one place šŸŸ”


AI involvement šŸš« āœ…



Excel and Google Sheets are likely to be the number one choice for next years for HR managers who haven’t had a lot of HRIS experience yet. The reasons for taking the first steps are clear- quick start, low costs or understandability. But there are no more benefits.Ā 

Because once spreadsheets stop serving as a centrally managed database that can only be accessed by a small circle of trained staff and start having the ambition to become a full-fledged HR system, they will crash.

The costs of developing such a solution will be significantly higher than initial estimates, while its security, functionality and overall benefits will be lower.

Excel / Google Sheets Sloneek
Long-term solution reliability ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Ability to grow with the company ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Ability to add new functions ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Universality for the entire company ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Compatibility with other tools ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Handover limit ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Solution security ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Time- consuming to manage ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
Total cost including time cost ā­ā­ā­ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­