
The first thing I open at work is Sloneek. The path to professional HR.

10 / 10

I give Sloneek a 10 out of 10 points.

+ time

I have an attendance report in a few clicks.


At Sloneek we can find everything we need.




50+ employees

image_reviewer Hana Konečná
10. 07. 2024
You can find everything at Sloneek
People are looking for contacts for colleagues in Sloneek, I don't have to explain where to look for that thing and answer unnecessary questions about the remaining vacation. Suffice it to say - you've got it at Sloneek.

Renewable energy has a future. The company 25energy, which has been building high-performance solar systems using the best technologies from Europe and the USA, is well aware of this since 2015. Photovoltaic power plants are offered to Czech households who want to reduce their energy costs, but also to companies for whom solar energy means not only saved expenses, but also a reduction in energy dependence and participation in a sustainable and responsible approach to the environment.

At 25energy, they rely on expertise, responsibility and quality of execution. They regularly participate in trade fairs and constantly monitor the development of the most important producers on the market.

The Road to Professional HR

25energy is a small company with about 30 employees, which is ruled by a relaxed and family atmosphere. However, keeping track of who is in charge of what and what they are working on is quite laborious. Many employees work from the field, some from home, others go to the office regularly, others partially work remotely. It always depends on the nature of the work, but also the possibilities of the employee. It is therefore not easy for an HR manager to keep track of attendance and the place of work.

“When I joined, it was quite punk here. Holidays and absences were recorded in Excel. Contracts and documents were in different folders. There was no system in anything,” describes the beginnings of HR Hana Konečná, a back office manager who is in charge of the HR agenda.

The procedure was clear, to find a tool that would make the management of the HR agenda more efficient and give it order.

Sloneek on stage

Hana Konečná learned about Sloneek from her colleague, but then she did a little research herself.

“Sloneek won me over thanks to good references and also because it is a Czech application. We wanted a system that is in the Czech language and will be easy to use for all employees,” comments the back office manager on the choice.

So in January 2024, 25energy started the implementation. Since the company did not use any other system from which the necessary employee data could be automatically transferred to Sloneek, it was necessary for the manager to fill them in herself. However, given the size of the company, it was not a difficult matter.

“If I had to rate the introduction of Sloneek, I would definitely give it ten points out of ten. The application is intuitive and clear. I used the help about twice,” praises Hana Konečná. She also positively evaluates the experience with customer support, which guided her through individual modules and parts of the application.

Where do I find it? In Sloneek

After she  created employee cards in Sloneek, it was possible to start recording attendance and absences and using the calendar. Subsequently, she entered documents such as contracts or regulations into the system and started using the register of aids. In this way, the management of the company gained an overview not only of who and where is working on which task, but also of what assets are on loan.

In turn, employees have an overview of their vacation and know where to go for information.

“People are looking for contacts for colleagues in Sloneek, I don’t have to explain where to look for that thing and answer unnecessary questions about the rest of the vacation. It’s enough to say – you have it in Sloneek,” smiles Konečná.

A novelty that saved time

Sloneek brought a lot of new things to 25energy. How did the employees react to the change? According to the HR manager, as with any new product, they were hesitant at first, but they soon recognized its advantages. Filling out, which at first seemed like extra work, now brings them simpler work planning and the already mentioned well of information.

According to her, acquiring Sloneek was clearly a good move that saved her hours of time. Instead of manually calculating the attendance report, the report is just a few clicks away. She doesn’t have to send documents for signature in a complicated way, but she can simply sign them electronically.

“In the future, I would definitely like to start using the evaluation and the onboarding module, which I haven’t had time to research and prepare yet,” says Hana Konečná. She then concludes her assessment by saying, “The first thing I open in the morning is email and Sloneek.”

“We are incredibly pleased to hear such words. We are very happy when Sloneek can make people’s work more pleasant and easier, and often completely transform the way HR works. High-quality HR is the basis for the good functioning of the company and the maintenance of corporate culture. And we appreciate it when we can be a welcome help to companies in this direction,” adds Milan Rataj, founder of Sloneek.