Asset management
Clear records of company property including the complete history, condition and photo documentation of the item aswell as the handover protocol
- 14 days free
- No credit card required

Records and management of assets
Each gadget has its own registration card with the possibility of adding its own field types.
Photo documentation of the assets
Custom definable fields
Dedicated role of the Utility Manager
Import and export to Excel
Handover of assets
Hand over utilities easily and securely with an eIDAS-ready digital signature. The handover protocol is legally bound and possession of the aid is unquestionable.
Acceptance signature of the asset meets eIDAS requirements
Unique receipt identifier
Automatic notifications to email and mobile
Overview of status and location
Get an overview of users with an assigned gadget, location and current status.
User preview of the assigned utilities
Team manager's view of team assets
Filterable list of assets
Categorization, user-definable custom fields
Immutable audit log
Each utility has an unmistakable audit log with a summary of who made the status change, how and when.
Every action performed is recorded
The audit log cannot be changed or deleted
Quick filtering by many parameters
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Our experts will answer questions, show you Sloneek and will help modernize your HR.
- Superior onboarding
- Introduction of all functionalities
- Presentation and offer tailored to your HR
- Answer any questions