Competency model
Corporate training is an investment. Not a benefit. But you need meaningful data to manage your investment. Sustainable and effective employee development can then be built on these.
- 14 days free
- No credit card required
Creation of competences
Simply create competencies linked to behaviours and skills.
Creating a competency structure
Descriptions of desirable and undesirable manifestations
Grouping competences into units
Easy assignment and triggering of ratings
Competence assessment
The leader's responsibility for developing the people in the team is irrefutable. The system solution will help him to administer the evaluation and monitor the progress of the employee's development.
Preparations for assessment interviews
Comprehensible rating scale
Space for comments
Results easily readable even for the HR department
Formation of training groups based on the same training needs
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Can we help you?
Our experts will answer questions, show you Sloneek andĀ will help modernize your HR.
- Superior onboarding
- Introduction of all functionalities
- Presentation and offer tailored to your HR
- Answer any questions