Anyone who hasn’t heard of the term homeoffice has probably spent the last ten years in a coma and has just come out of it to the amazement of those around him. Homeoffice, or working from home, is an undeniable trend in today’s job market and an increasing number of companies are offering it. But do you know how to record it effectively and clearly? And is it an absence, or is it rather an activity?
Absence vs. Activity
There are different views on homeoffice (often abbreviated HO in practice). Some are adamant that homeoffice should fall under absenteeism, others prefer to record it as a work activity. At Sloneek, we lean more towards the latter camp. The reason is pragmatic – the employee does not de facto absent himself from the home office, but still performs work activity.
- Home office
How does legislation view the home office?
Under the law, an employee is not entitled to work from home (homeoffice), nor can an employer unilaterally order an employee to work from home.
Working from home is regulated by law in the provisions of Section 317 of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code. This Act provides that a teleworker is an employee who does not perform work at the employer’s workplace but works from home under agreed conditions during working hours that he or she determines. An employee working from home may work in the following modes:
- The regime according to Section 317 of the Labour Code, where the employee determines the working hours during which he performs the agreed work
- Scheme where working hours are set by the employer
- Combined system, where the employee sets his own working hours on some days and the employer sets them on others
Employment relationships of employees working from home are in principle regulated in the same way as employment relationships of employees working at the employer’s workplace, with a few exceptions. These exceptions are set out in the provisions of Section 317 of the Labour Code and may be agreed in a homeworking agreement between the employer and the employee.
How does Sloneek help you with your home office and activities?
Sloneek is perfectly equipped to work from home, offering everything you need to keep your hybrid teams from falling apart under your hands and keep you on top of them.
There is a Homeoffice type activity in the app to make reporting this type of work as easy as possible. At the same time, you can create other work activities and combine them conveniently with homeoffice. The result will be a perfect overview of the time worked by employees and the details of the activities they were engaged in.
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