Organizational structure
What is the difference between a team structure and an organizational structure?
The two terms are sometimes confused in practice. In the true sense of the word, however, the organisational structure defines the interrelationships between the different teams and departments. In a team structure, the relationships between employees in a particular team. Let’s take a closer look at both dates.
Organizational structure of the company (org chart)
- Organizational structure of the company in the form of a branched tree.
As you can see from the picture above, which was taken in the HR application Sloneek, the organizational structure (or org chart) shows all teams and their interconnection. These also determine the hierarchy of society. Some people prefer to look at the organizational structure in a tree view as in the picture, others rather in a table view. Sloneek offers both of these options.
Team structure
- An example of a team structure where e.g. in the Experts team, Kamila Pěkná is the team manager, Tomáš Dlugoš is the supervisor and the rest of the employees are ordinary members.
Unlike the organizational structure of a company, the team structure is related to the specific team and the relationships within it. In other words, it shows who is the manager of the team, which employees are the team members, or whether there are other roles in the team such as supervisor or absence planner. Depending on the assigned role, the user has specific rights in Sloneek.
Why is it important to have a team and organizational structure?
As already mentioned, team and organizational structure determine the relationships between teams or employees. These relationships are then key in the approval process. They make it clear at a glance who has who to approve leave or homeoffice work and, in general, who has what decision-making powers and responsibilities within the company. The advantage of the org charter is also its clarity.
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